It's While MacBook Air was the product that people hopped on plane, train, or yesterday to see, the laptop was just the opening act, .. Now, it has high-resolution display keyboard and trackpad sensor for authentication and internals that are, at the very least, up to date... I need to start researching how I can convert my workflow from DSLR -> MacBook ->Lightroom -> Photomatix for bulk image edits. I would be surprised if the mouse is little more than relic or the tool of old farts inside of 25 years probably interface well before then even with the determination of many to stagnate and stick to legacy solutions. If you accept keyboard into the equation then trackpad seems inclusion too at least for as long as needing to move fingers back and forth in the manner they claim to despise.. Brilliant post and lot of it's that under Cook the company too often acts as if it's still product company it was back in the 80s that fears commitment for fear of getting it wrong and losing money. ICloud is fine for me generally and less flexible, extensive and generous especially when one considers the cost of the products it inhabits. In my experience, in the world of small to medium businesses, that suite of apps being available has been more interesting to more people things like the pencil.. Files app makes iOS a better, and that's for my ever-once-in while photo editing for work, when I need quick mask for PNG image. Whatever it's future holds iOS needs to work with Mac to see it and iPad's full pro potential realised while not tying to that desktop metaphor too closely so that it can grow in ways best suited to touch or voice control as these and other interfaces mature and expand their capabilities without the anchor of the desktop metaphor..
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